Character Education Values in Prayer

  • Nuralim Nuralim Ponpes AL BINAA Bekasi, Indonesia
  • Maemunah Sa’diyah Universitas Ibn Khaldun Bogor, Indonesia
  • Santi Lisnawati Universitas Ibn Khaldun Bogor, Indonesia
Keywords: Values, Character Education, Salah


Character education involves cultivating virtuous behavior with consistent practice, particularly evident in Islamic teachings and laws. Notably, prayer (salat) in Islam holds paramount significance, encompassing recitations and movements that foster various character traits. The study utilizes a qualitative-descriptive method rooted in literature review, systematically portraying information from diverse sources. The research concludes that salat instills discipline, composure, respect for knowledge, honesty, purity, patience, and orderliness. The author encourages scholars to explore salat's inherent character education values through Quranic verses, Prophet Muhammad's sayings, and scholarly opinions. Additionally, the study suggests emphasizing these values rather than mere procedural aspects when teaching salat to enhance character development


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How to Cite
Nuralim, N., Sa’diyah, M., & Lisnawati, S. (2023). Character Education Values in Prayer. EDUCATIO : Journal of Education, 8(2), 273-280.