Website Based “BUSWORLD” Vocabulary Learning Media for Marketing Students of Vocational School

  • Hesty Puspita Sari universitas islam balitar
  • Syntia Afriliani Universitas Islam Balitar
  • Nita Sutanti Universitas Islam Balitar
Keywords: “busworld” website, vocabulary learning, marketing students, vocational school


Revolutions and technological developments have had a tremendous impact on their application in the education. One of the highlights in the use of technology is the use of website-based learning media. For this reason, this study aims to establish a website as an alternative media to improve the quality of English vocabulary for marketing students at vocational schools. The researchers applied research and development by adopting the Sugiyono’s development model. The stages adapted are: (1) Finding Potential and problem solution, (2) Product design, (3) Design validation, (4) Product Testing, (5) Product Revision, and (6) Product publication. The researchers apply Research and Development to the 20 students in each school and 3 teachers as research participants randomly from SMK Pemuda 1 Kesamben, SMK PGRI 2 Sutojayan, and SMKN 1 Kademangan. The problem-solving abilities are obtained by analyzing research policy, observing, questioning/answering, and giving questionnaires. The result of the design development validation shows that the “busworld” website is very valid and can be used as a learning media. There were three media validators accept the media with few revisions and it is approved 97% is very valid. Furthermore, the result of the material validator reached 99% valid. This shows that the “busworld” website is very useful for learning vocabulary for vocational students and is valid for use in learning. Future researchers may concern on the effectiveness of website for vocational students


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How to Cite
Sari, H., Afriliani, S., & Sutanti, N. (2023). Website Based “BUSWORLD” Vocabulary Learning Media for Marketing Students of Vocational School. EDUCATIO : Journal of Education, 8(2), 249-259.